December 7 – Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?
Oh wow, so many communities this year. There are the write-in folks for NaNoWriMo (so awesome and supportive and funny and yeah), the blogging community that I am slowly getting into (with its wealth of fantastic, emotional, hysterical writers), the YouTube/film community that I am sort of lurking around (oh gosh, too much awesome for one internet to contain), and my creative writing class (with the people who tell me too much about themselves and things I don't want to know about them, but manage to make me laugh and think).
In terms of 2011, I want to get more deeply involved in all of these communities, except for my creative writing class, which ends next week (on the one hand, I am excited - my stupid short story is done! - and on the other hand, I am sad that I will not be hanging out with those cool/awkward folks twice a week anymore).
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